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“Press Here” City-Suburb Obstacle Course

“Press Here” City-Suburb Obstacle Course

DIY: 20 min | Scout + Set up: 15 min | Have Fun: However long you like

Love the book the way we do? This is a great Press Here activity for families, especially those in yard-less communities.  If you are like us, we live in a townhouse community and take walks to unwind. When you leave your house, get off that sidewalk. Venture into the areas or parks that have been landscaped with low bushes and small trees. While these areas may not be flat for soccer, they are great for a Press Here Obstacle Course. 

Before we get into the game, there are two ways to make the dots: QUICK DOTS and VIBRANT DOTS. I'm listing the quickie version here, because well you want it quick. VIBRANT DOTS are at the end of the post. Ready, go!


Grab a stack of Chinet dinner plates (or any paper plate) and Jumbo Crayons. Make as many as you like. (We made 8 of each color.) 

note: supply list is linked to Walmart for best prices.

The Obstacle Course

Grab your book, keys and explore the perfect spot for an obstacle course. Arrange the dots on the ground, in any pattern you choose, weaving them around the bushes and trees. In the same inviting manner of the book, direct your kiddos through the course. Freestyle and make it up as you go! Get some laughs. Get the dots dirty. HAVE FUN!

DIY: VIBRANT! Paint Dots

Grab a stack of Chinet dinner plates, sponge brushes and tempera paint. Paint the dots outside on the sidewalk. (We made 8 of each color.) It goes extremely fast and they dry within minutes. I love this method because they are vibrant and I can re-purpose them for another craft. 

Chinet Dinner plates
Acrylic Paint: Blue  Red  Yellow
Brushes: Sponge Brush, cotton balls or a cut-up kitchen sponge are great

Upcycle those Dots

If you use Chinet, they should be good for a few uses. When you are done, upcycle those plates. Cut 'em up. Draw on them. Throw them. Spin them on sticks. Enjoy!

Check out my review of the amazing Press Here book, well, here. Presssss!

Favorite Thing: “Press Here” Children’s Book

Favorite Thing: “Press Here” Children’s Book

Craft + Play Nook: Starter Supply Collection

Craft + Play Nook: Starter Supply Collection