

Welcome to my super-fun adventures in Mommyhood (Blog) and Design (Work). Follow my work & play in this creative season of life. Contact me for freelance or collabs. Thanks for stopping by!

Pumpkin Spice Mud Pies + Foraged Toppings

Pumpkin Spice Mud Pies + Foraged Toppings

Scoop + Glop: 5 min | Forage: 15 min | Make Pies: 15 min

What do pumpkins and mud have in common? Pies! They both make excellent pies. So in honor of all things Pumpkin Spice this fall, we are pleased to present the Pumpkin Spice Mud Pie. That’s right, parents. Need a place to put that pumpkin slop? Scoop it straight into a pie tin. Add some mud. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top, and you have officially made another fun fall activity for your kids after carving pumpkins. 

Foraged Toppings

The gooey sensory experience of running our fingers through pumpkin guts and mud was so much fun. But we couldn’t stop there, wanting to find more toppings for our pie tins. Enter foraging. We grabbed a bowl and foraged a vibrant pile of leaves, acorns and pinecones. Not only did my son love collecting the items, he loved sorting and arranging them. My absolute favorites were the baby pinecones and the green-tinged acorn caps.

Inspiration Board

Happy scooping and glopping! Eeewwwwwwww...

Check out our MudLove posts:
The Awesomeness of Getting Dirty with Dirt Boxes
Mud Mask + Pampering Kit Giveaway
Spring City ’Burb Bouquet

Pixar’s “Lifted” + Alien Slime!

Pixar’s “Lifted” + Alien Slime!

Disney’s “Paperman” + Planes at the Park

Disney’s “Paperman” + Planes at the Park