

Welcome to my super-fun adventures in Mommyhood (Blog) and Design (Work). Follow my work & play in this creative season of life. Contact me for freelance or collabs. Thanks for stopping by!

Year of Thanks: Annual Report Campaign

Year of Thanks: Annual Report Campaign

And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and they will sit down [and feast at the table] in the kingdom of God. Luke 13:29 (AMP)

The 2015 annual report campaign surrounded a beautifully-set table—prepared by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries. A table allowed us to highlight several emerging themes from the year: gratitude, continued harvest as a ministry, and the chance to invite even more people to Christ’s table in 2015. Many thanks to the amazing dream team on this project.


Photo Feb 22, 10 23 11 AM.jpg


Photo Sep 19, 2 48 04 PM.jpg



Enjoying Everyday Life

Campaign Leads: Sr. Broadcast Producer: David George | Sr. Designer: Megan Matheny | Web Producer: Kyle Tilley | Sr. Writer: Chad Trafton | Socials Sr. Producer: Kacie Campbell | Editor: Matt Clark Contributors: Rachael Athearn, Chad Spickler, Jeri Iceness, Andrew Pautler, Erven Fernandez, Kelly McClure, BJ Swartzentruber, Lonnie Turnbeaugh, Joel Turnbeaugh. Creative Direction: Ginger Stache, Steve DeShetler

Farm-to-Book Cover Design

Farm-to-Book Cover Design